Monday, 30 October 2017

Defensive Re-evaluation

For weres sleep was a time to replenish their energy stores and for Tosh and Meg it was no different and energy levels needed to be full to accomplish their tasks for the day which were plentiful. If energy levels weren't optimal, they would lose concentration and that was not a good situation to be in, especially when they were to keep all their senses on high alert.

Meg concentrated on her martial arts and researching Alchemy every spare moment that she had.

...and she wrote books to bring in income, which also helped the family coffers quite a bit as everytime she completed a published book, she earned a higher royalty

Part of Tosh's job was to develop a rapport with the vampire behind the till at the that they could get a better return on the items that they consigned. One could consign elixirs and gemstones as well as certain items of alchemy ingredients. Tosh was hoarding his higher value gemstones so that he could cut them at the highest cut. Of course the vampire had a bit of a snobbish trait: they all did and Tosh could sense that and thus it was rather difficult to develop a rapport with the woman, but he persisted in the hopes that it would be of financial value...if not for much else.

Tosh then went to the grocery store to get some groceries. After all, if one didn't have groceries, one couldn't cook any victuals. It would be kind of hard since one couldn't really conjure up a meal to eat.

After which upon returning, he went ahead, cooked dinner and then did some alchemy studying. He had come to the realization that the house that they were in had some fundamental flaws in its defences and that the house that they had lived in was not really designed for weres to mount an active defense of their property. With two sets of steps, you had to have twice as many weres defending the front entrance as the back entrance. Their room downstairs was pitiful and it certainly was not designed with home defence in mind. And in that regards, Tosh felt that the house needed to be redesigned from the ground up and built over. Meg hadn't really studied the intricacies of tactical defence and as such just nodded when Tosh brought up that point. It would take a lot of money to redesign the place and refurnish it, but in the end, the defensive flaws of the house would be taken care of and remedied. And it would start the next day...

And Meg enjoyed her chili con carne that Tosh had whipped up...except for the five-alarm fire that erupted in her mouth which made her do a flame-thrower impression for the second time in two days.

Nothing Says "Were-Love" Like A Good Ol' Knockdown Drag-Out Fight.

Next day saw Meg and Tosh eating more vegetarian chili which pretty much caused Meg to spit flame. In fact, she did such a good impression of a flame-thrower, she nearly set the counter on fire.

Meg did realize that she needed to train in martial arts as well as athletics, so she headed over to the training dummy and started martial arts exercises.

Seeing her "husband-to-be" at green-belt provided quite a bit of incentive and watching Tosh break boards was quite arousing to Meg.

Part of martial arts training was sparring and that was because nothing taught a martial arts student more than fighting another person. In a real life situation, the opponent wasn't going to stand still and let one land punches and kicks. Sparring was the only form of practice that simulated an actual opponent and even then if it was "scored" it wasn't really that good of a simulation. The only form of fighting that worked was an actual "no holds barred" sparring match - full contact, but considering that Tosh was ranked three belts higher (white, yellow, orange then green) than her. Tosh had waited until she had managed to get her yellow belt equivalency, then walked up to her, gave her a kiss and then asked her if she would like to spar with him.

Meg agreed and they squared off; bowing first as a formality and a token of respect to the other fighter.

And Meg opened up her offence with a roundhouse kick that Tosh barely ducked under.

"Wow...that was close..." Tosh said as Meg blocked his counterpunch...but he spun and tried to kick at her head which she ducked under.

Since Tosh was the higher ranked belt in Sim Fu, Meg was doing a lot of defence while Tosh tended to attack more. But Meg knew that Tosh was trying to make sure that she was able to put up a good defence because that was pretty much what would happen if they were set upon by Trackers.

...though Meg did get a few good solid attacks in...

Tosh was definitely not cutting Meg any slack whatsoever during the sparring match.

And of course...they both sparred transformed as well, which pretty much was just a rolling ball of violence.

...and evidently that match was enough to tire the both of them out and they headed off to bed.

...more than likely dreaming werewolf dreams about hunting and stuff like that.

Friday, 27 October 2017

Making Preparations

Knowing that there was someone now who depended on his being able to protect her; not that she wasn't able to protect herself, but the fact that one's mate was the only way that one passed on the genetic line to one's offspring. Meg now became his the whole meaning of his existence; and he would protect her with his life. So he studied everything that he could in order to get a leg up on the Trackers and he knew they were coming.

The Trackers couldn't afford to let up on the hunt for the two escaped weres, not while the government was pressuring them to find them and eliminate them. Humans were, by nature, suspicious of anyone different than them - they'd caused wars over minute differences between them, but a whole different species of being than them who were sentient and had a wish to pursue life goals and objectives; oh, no, to a human that wasn't possible or tolerated. Weres and all supernaturals had to hide in enclaves to protect themselves or they would be slaughtered. There was no other choice.

Honing up his skills on alchemy was a start. There were potions and elixirs that could be utilized as weapons. And the potential for them needing to be used as such was necessary, should the Trackers show up in Moonlight Falls. Tosh had killed before over the skies of Iraq when Iraqis had sent up MiG 29s. At least one of the MiG pilots he'd downed had not popped a chute before inpacting on the desert floor below. So could he kill again if the Trackers decided to come calling? With Meg's life on the line, you'd be right if you thought he could. With all that was running through his mind, he read up on everything that he possibly could, and worked out his frustrations on the board breaker, breaking something

Meg did her share of trying to get her skills up in alchemy and frankly she had more time to master Alchemy than Tosh did as Tosh was trying to round out his acumen in other skills as well. It meant that Tosh would have to pick and choose where to spread the time that he had in training.

Both found that athletic training was essential. If they found themselves in a situation where they were outnumbered, they would have to make a run for it. And what was the use of running if they couldn't run long enough to make the escape. They wouldn't be of much use to the other if they couldn't run 50 meters without gasping like a beached whale.

But of course, in all that, Meg and Tosh made the time to spend with one another. Even with all the stresses bearing down on them, they had to. It was important for their relationship to do so. And Tosh made some vegetarian chili so that they could enjoy dinner together (Don't ask me why a werewolf is eating vegetarian chili; the Creator has no clue - maybe he's one of those New werewolves...something like in those Twilight movies maybe...) But anyways...he didn't realize just how hot the ghost chilies were and well...

...that was a three-alarm fire in his throat.

Meg being from Texas was a little more enured to the heat of those ghost chilis and took it in stride.

Meg tried her hand at concocting some elixirs and did a pretty good job at it.

Fall had definitely come to Moonlight Falls and Tosh and Meg were slowly hitting their stride with prepping themselves.

And it was good that they were doing so, because they would need every bit of skill that they could have.