Thursday, 26 October 2017

Teaching a Hacker a Lesson and One Received in Return

Tosh did look at some alchemy research and Meg did a little hacking just for fun to see what she could find about the Tracker's movements. And Tosh played a little piano, but was interrupted by Meg when she saw an alarm triggered by Rick Durwood who was hacking into their account. Luckily for Tosh, were's were supernatural beings and able to teleport into whereever they wanted. So Tosh paid Rick Durwood a nice little visit, nearly scaring the pants off him.

Rick Durwood's evening was rather pleasant trying to make some extra money and he thought that he'd hit the motherlode by hacking into the Nakamura's bank account. He could get as much of it as he could, he thought as he stared into the computer screen.

A chilling growl in his ear caused him to nearly deposit biological matter in his pants. Looking over his blood ran cold as a pair of glowing green eyes and brilliantly white fangs stared back at him.

"W-wh-what are you doing here?" Durwood asked as he stared at the not impressed werewolf that was standing there in practically nothing but a pair of black underwear.

"I could say the same for you...considering that you're hacking into my bank account." snarled the were practically eyeball to eyeball with Rick Durwood who wasn't sure that he was going to get out of the situation alive.

"I can explain..." stammered Durwood.

"I don't care about your excuses, human..." the were growled, "You tried to steal my money, you need to pay...for your crimes..." ...and leapt on Durwood.

"OWWWW!!! You bit me..." Durwood screamed shaking his arm as two rivulets of blood ran down from the puncture woods of the were's fangs.

"You realize that if you hack a were's account again, you will be marked for termination. That's what we do to weres who violate the sanctity of the pack." the were said.

"What do you mean, marked for termination? I'm not one of you..." Durwood protested, his blood running cold in his veins.

" will be... in two days time...and you will abide by the Code of the Pack." the were smiled, his fangs set in a sinister smirk. "Or you will die."

Later on that morning, Tosh went to the Apothecary's shop to pick up a few things and decided on a whim to go and see if he could get some honey to go along with his waffles and pancakes; after all, honey was absolutely delicious. Let's just say that it didn't go over well with the bees.

Tosh was sure these little fiends were Africanized honey bees, because he never felt like he'd been stung this many times before.

Evidently, this was what it was like to get swarmed...and oh-oh...they were practically nailing him anywhere there was bare skin or fur-covered skin. And holy geez, did it ever hurt.



Creator: I think he does a good low sweeping kick; maybe this would be a great way to teach the Sims how to learn Tai Chi.

"OUCH...OWW...OH PAIN...YEOW!!!! OK OK...I'll stop... QUIT STINGING ME!!! OWWWW!!!" Tosh hopped around hoping that the bees would quit attacking him, but it took a while for the bees to calm down.

And what added insult to injury was the fact that the vampire proprietor of the Apothecary Shop seemed to have a smirk on her face seeing the numerous welts of bee stings all over the exposed skin of Tosh. No wonder how come weres didn't like vampires much at all. Self-serving, smug, bloodsuckers.

Creator: And see, kids...this is why you don't tick off bees...

Tosh: "Oh do shut up..."

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